How To Relieve Knee Pain - Tips & Remedies
You stained and stained… and strained your knees. It doesn’t take a lot to get them screaming. Gardening, bowling 30 frames, the daddy-daughter dance—all are things that will have you aching in the morning. These are the times when BENGAY® products can help.
The RICE Method
When you incur this type of injury, you can apply the RICE method for 24-48 hours after the injury:
Rest the affected area
Ice the area to reduce swelling
Compression, or loosely wrapping the area will help decrease the swelling
Elevating the injury above the level of your heart will minimize swelling
Apply cold therapy for 20 minutes, remove it for 10 minutes, and then reapply.
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Please make sure to speak to a doctor before use if you have redness over an affected area or if you have any questions about relieving your pain.
Minor Knee Pain Relief:
Give your knees a break.
Instead of your regular exercise, try water exercise classes to reduce pressure on joints.
Don’t be afraid to move.
Strengthen your muscles to support your knees and reduce excess body weight with exercise.
Add some support.
Use a knee brace or sleeve to reduce joint pain and stiffness.
Try new therapies.
Acupuncture, for example, could help with both short-term and long-term pain relief. Talk to your doctor about other options.
Tips for Avoiding Minor Knee Pain:
Wear knee guards during sports activities
Avoid carrying objects that are too heavy
Stretch and warm up before participating in physical activity
Avoid repeating movements that put unnecessary stress on the knees